true, if all specified sub filters match for the tested message.
Creates a category equals filter. The category equals filter checks if the message's category is exactly the same as the specified category.
true, if the category of the message equals to the category specified
Creates a category includes filter. The category includes filter checks if the message's category is either the same as the specified category or one of its sub categories.
true, if the category specified contains the category of the message or is equal to it
Creates a default filter. The default filter always evaluates to true.
true, always
Creates a not filter. The not filter inverts the filter result of its sub-filter.
negates the result of the filter function specified.
Creates an or filter. The or filter evaluates to true, if at least one of its sub-filters evaluates to true.
true, if at least one of the specified sub filters match for the tested message.
Creates a ref matches filter. The ref matches filter checks if the message's ref matches the specified filter. The filter can be a regular expression or a wild card pattern using the Asterisk (*) once, e.g. 'module:*:class'.
true, if the message's ref property matches the pattern specified.
Creates a severity below filter. The severity below filter checks if the log message severity is lower than the specified severity.
true, if the message's severity is lower than the severity specified.
Creates a severity equals filter. The severity equals filter checks if the log message severity equals the specified severity.
true, if the message's severity equals the severity level specified.
Creates a severity minimum filter. The severity minimum filter checks if the log message severity is higher or equal than the specified severity.
true, if the message's severity is greater or equal the severity level specified.
Creates an and filter. The and filter evaluates to true, if all of its sub-filters evaluate to true.