UI Platforms in Model UI Platforms@0.0.4

Model: UI PlatformsStatus: EXPERIMENTAL

Extended Category

Not extending any category.

Extended By

Note: This list is probably not complete since extending categories may be out of scope of this catalogue. The availability to the UIMDF model editor depends on the setup. Not extending any category.


The UI platforms catalog is intended for future specifications of user interface hardware. It is subdevided into the categories 'Platform Types' for the description of the execution environments as defined by hardware computing features, and 'Device Types' for the description of final devices and their usage characteristics. Both catagories are intended to provide a classification or inheritance scheme, that allows to specify actual platforms and devices with their respective properties, but also categories of platforms and devices with shared properties. This is useful if, for example, software solutions shall be developed and described that may be executable and usable on a number of similar platforms or devices. For the further description of platform or device types, appropriate properties are to be used that are defined elsewhere as, for example, in the ui device properties catalog.