Design Properties in Model UI Fragment Properties@0.0.4


Up to UI Fragment Properties

PropertyCategory: Design PropertiesStatus: EXPERIMENTAL

Extended Category

Not extending any category.

Extended By

Note: This list is probably not complete since extending categories may be out of scope of this catalogue. The availability to the UIMDF model editor depends on the setup. Not extending any category.


Design properties enable the generation of consistent UI solutions regarding UI design and behaviour that may consist of multiple UI framgents. Since consistency is one of the major UI design requirements, this category is one of the most important ones. User interfaces are required to provide a consistent design regarding the use of equal symbolics, codes, colours, sounds, structure, behaviour, etc. Usually, the organization running the interactive system as well as the application domain provide relevant principles and standards for the user interface design. However, UI design is also relevant to user interfaces that might not be part of an organization or the organization gouverning the UI development and application does not specify applicable standards or guidelines. That is why this category has been defined for providing more or less abstract properties for the documentation of design decisions that may helpful for creating constistent user interfaces as UI fragments may be selected that fulfill design criteria of the intended UI solution or that, at least, provide means to identify potential design flaws.