Context-of-Use Properties in Model UI Fragment Properties@0.0.4


Up to UI Fragment Properties

PropertyCategory: Context-of-Use PropertiesStatus: EXPERIMENTAL

Extended Category

Not extending any category.

Extended By

Note: This list is probably not complete since extending categories may be out of scope of this catalogue. The availability to the UIMDF model editor depends on the setup. Not extending any category.


The context of use (CoU) properties help to further identify the adequacy of a relevant UI fragment. The CoU is devided into the environmental context and the user context. The environmental properties are further devided into different aspects. Expecially the user properties and the platform properties may define whether a UI fragment can be used in a specific context or not since the UI design heavily relies on these properties. For maintaining the usability during run-time it may be required to continuously measure or retrieve these properties in order to provide adaptation functionality.