Handicaps and Deficiencies Supported in Model UI Fragment Properties@0.0.3


Up to User

PropertyCategory: Handicaps and Deficiencies SupportedStatus: EXPERIMENTAL

Extended Category

Not extending any category.

Extended By

Note: This list is probably not complete since extending categories may be out of scope of this catalogue. The availability to the UIMDF model editor depends on the setup. Not extending any category.


The ui fragment may be especially developed in order to be also usable in case the user has some limiting properties. In most cases, such limitations are related to physical inabilities that restrict the use of some modalities (in and outbound) by the ui. But also cognitive limitations can be considered that influence the inner ui organization, i.e. the way of presenting the ui content to the user or how users are supported to conduct their tasks, e.g. by using appropriate feedback. Providing these properties denotes that the ui fragment supports such limitations.