Attentiveness Limitation in Model UI Fragment Properties@0.0.4


Up to Handicaps and Deficiencies Supported

FragmentProperty: Attentiveness LimitationStatus: EXPERIMENTAL


The UI is especially developed for users who cannot pay attention very long. For example, the UI could provide distinct and clear instructions in a sequence of small tasks rather than complex views and time-extensive procedures.

Typed Element: → 'LimitationsType'

Instanciatable Types 1

Name: → 'LimitationsType' Status: EXPERIMENTAL
Abstract: No
Cardinality: 0..∞
From Model: UI Fragment Properties
Documentation: This structured data type is intended for the description of user limitations that need to be supported by interaction devices and software.
Structured Value Members:
  • maxSupportedObstruction : → 'ObstructionLevelType' [0..1]
    The level of impairment or obstruction that can be supported by the interaction devices and software.
  • affectedFunction : → 'GenericReferenceType' [0..∞]
    Refers to the affected functionality caused by the limited parts of the human sensory, actuatory, or cognitive system.
  • additionalInfo : → 'KeyVal' [0..∞]
    A key value store that allows to provide additional information.
This structured data type is intended for the description of user limitations that need to be supported by interaction devices and software.