Design process documentation in Model UI Fragment Properties@0.0.4


Up to User

PropertyCategory: Design process documentationStatus: EXPERIMENTAL

Extended Category

Not extending any category.

Extended By

Note: This list is probably not complete since extending categories may be out of scope of this catalogue. The availability to the UIMDF model editor depends on the setup. Not extending any category.


This category of UI fragment properties provides additional properties in order to add less formalized documentation to a UI fragment. These are needed since not all factors of influence on the user centered design process may be documented using highly formalized properties. However, for solution developers sich informal documentation may be important to understand the foundations of the fragment design or even information about the intended use. This information can be used in cases where solution developers need to further develop this UI fragment or other missing fragments need to be designed in a consistent manner. This category is not well developed. Future properties could, for example, cover user stories that may help to understand even better, for what purpose to use this fragment and how to use it.