Curiousity in Model UI Fragment Properties@0.0.4


Up to Personality Traits

FragmentProperty: CuriousityStatus: EXPERIMENTAL


The level of curiousity may cause the UI to incorporate also context information that does not directly belong to the current user's task in order to enable the user to understand the role of the device to which he/her interacts with by means of the UI. Moreover, the UI may provide means in order to enable the user to find things out for him/herself instead of simply explaining it.

Typed Element: → 'UserTraitSignificanceType'

Instanciatable Types 1

Name: → 'UserTraitSignificanceType' Status: EXPERIMENTAL
Base Type: STRING
Abstract: No
Cardinality: 0..1
From Model: UI Fragment Properties
Documentation: This enumerated type can be used to annotate an expression regarding a user trait with a symbolic value that shall describe the user's congruence with the trait.

Enumerated Type

  • Unknown = 0
  • Strongly Convergent = 1
  • Moderately Convergent = 2
  • Slightly Convergent = 3
  • Indecisive = 4
  • Slightly Opponent = 5
  • Moderately Opponent = 6
  • Strongly Opponent = 7
This enumerated type can be used to annotate an expression regarding a user trait with a symbolic value that shall describe the user's congruence with the trait.