Required Domain Knowledge in Model UI Fragment Properties@0.0.3


Up to Knowledge

FragmentProperty: Required Domain KnowledgeStatus: EXPERIMENTAL


Denotes required domain concepts. For example, in process industries, a plant operator should know about the process, the types of devices that are needed to control the process, and the required procedures that are to be performed by ui users. The abstract term 'domain concepts', thus, refers to well known domain-related type definitions that even may be standardized within the respective domain and to individual (e.g. devices) that are derived from these types and may be uinique in composition and behaviour. Since ui fragments are intended to be linked to their respective content entity (the type of which may be a domain concept), the content of ui fragments themselfes can be seen as domain concepts. That is due to the fact that ui fragments usually use a domain specific ui syntax to represent their corresponding entity.

Typed Element: → 'KnowledgeReferenceType'

Instanciatable Types 1

Name: → 'KnowledgeReferenceType' Status: EXPERIMENTAL
Abstract: No
Cardinality: 0..1
From Model: UI Fragment Properties
Documentation: <NONE>
Structured Value Members: