Regulatory Domain in Model UI Fragment Properties@0.0.4
FragmentProperty: Regulatory DomainStatus: EXPERIMENTAL
The regulatory domain property denotes which regulating entity on which regulatory level influences a specific design aspect of the UI fragment.
Typed Element: → 'RegulatoryDomainType'
Instanciatable Types 1
Name: → 'RegulatoryDomainType' Status: EXPERIMENTAL
Abstract: No
Cardinality: 0..∞
From Model: UI Fragment Properties
Documentation: This structured data type is an extension to the name link text structure that allows the specific declaration of the compliance of the delivered software with a specific legal regulation.
Structured Value Members:
Abstract: No
Cardinality: 0..∞
From Model: UI Fragment Properties
Documentation: This structured data type is an extension to the name link text structure that allows the specific declaration of the compliance of the delivered software with a specific legal regulation.
- name : → 'StringType' [1..1] The name of the entity or person.
- url : → 'URLType' [0..1] The optional URL to the entity's or person's online identity.
- text : → 'MultilineStringType' [0..∞] Arbitrary text entries.
- regulationLevel : → 'RegulationLevelType' [0..1] The classification of the legal body the regulation originates from. In case of ambiguous regulation, the level may be used to decide to which body adhere to.
- regulatingEntity : → 'GenericReferenceType' [0..1] Refers to the specific entity the regulation originates from.
- regulatedDesignAspect : → 'RegulatedDesignAspectType' [0..1] Describes the design aspect of the software artifact being delivered that is influenced by the regulation.
- legalDocumentReference : → 'GenericReferenceListType' [0..∞] The specific reference to the legal text, or document, or paragraph therein.