Regulatory Domain in Model UI Fragment Properties@0.0.4


Up to Regulatory Environment

FragmentProperty: Regulatory DomainStatus: EXPERIMENTAL


The regulatory domain property denotes which regulating entity on which regulatory level influences a specific design aspect of the UI fragment.

Typed Element: → 'RegulatoryDomainType'

Instanciatable Types 1

Name: → 'RegulatoryDomainType' Status: EXPERIMENTAL
Abstract: No
Cardinality: 0..∞
From Model: UI Fragment Properties
Documentation: This structured data type is an extension to the name link text structure that allows the specific declaration of the compliance of the delivered software with a specific legal regulation.
Structured Value Members:
  • name : → 'StringType' [1..1]
    The name of the entity or person.
  • url : → 'URLType' [0..1]
    The optional URL to the entity's or person's online identity.
  • text : → 'MultilineStringType' [0..∞]
    Arbitrary text entries.
  • regulationLevel : → 'RegulationLevelType' [0..1]
    The classification of the legal body the regulation originates from. In case of ambiguous regulation, the level may be used to decide to which body adhere to.
  • regulatingEntity : → 'GenericReferenceType' [0..1]
    Refers to the specific entity the regulation originates from.
  • regulatedDesignAspect : → 'RegulatedDesignAspectType' [0..1]
    Describes the design aspect of the software artifact being delivered that is influenced by the regulation.
  • legalDocumentReference : → 'GenericReferenceListType' [0..∞]
    The specific reference to the legal text, or document, or paragraph therein.
This structured data type is an extension to the name link text structure that allows the specific declaration of the compliance of the delivered software with a specific legal regulation.