Domains in Model Domains@0.0.4
Model: DomainsStatus: EXPERIMENTAL
Category Info
Extended Category
Extended By
The domains catalog is a collections of some basic domain descriptions. A domain, in general, is a field of knowledge each of which is characterized by its own wording, concepts and their typical representations, techniques, processes, tasks, expectations, etc. When designing computer systems to support tasks that can be seen as belonging to one or more of these domains, the domain characteristics should be taken into account. This catalog defines a hierarchical domain structure where each sub domain is the specialization of its parent domain. The general topic of this catalog is to specify domains that are relevant for plant operations. However, a more general approach may be developed in future. Thus, the top-level domains are separated into the aspects of the technical system, the product, and human aspects since every technical system needs to be operated. Each technical system is designed according to the needs of the industrial branch. This is why another top-level domain category lists different industrial branches. In order to specify the concrete domain a techical system has been designed for, it may be necessary to enlist multiple of the domains specified in this catalog. The combination of domains may be seen as an implicitly specified new domain that has overlapping aspects with each of the listed domains. This approach also enables to further define more domains or domain aspects by use of different not necessarily consistent criteria. In this catalog, not all domain entries will be fully specified as more specification work needs to be done.
created by Lukas Baron